
How many carbohydrates are right for you? Carbohydrate recommendations vary depending on diet type.


check Atkins and Keto diets are 5-10% carbohydrates.

check The Core Fat loss plan is 30%carbohydrates. 

check The Zone Diet has 40% Carbohydrates.

check A standard Registered Dietitian recommends 55% carbohydrates.


In terms of grams, the table shows you how many carbohydrate each diet plan recommends.


check Extreme low carb diets offer too few carbohydrates, a situation that may cause quick results in the beginning at the expense of your metabolism.  Read more Dangers of an extreme low carb diet 

check The Core Fat Loss plan provides you just enough carbohydrates to burn fat without sacrificing your brain function or muscle metabolism.

check The Zone Diet also provides a moderate level of carbohydrates, whether or not you burn fat on moderate-carbohydrate diets depends on the quality of your carbohydrates (i.e. the glycemic index).

check For decades, Registered Dietitians that worship government standards have always recommended a diet high in carbohydrates to complement their fat phobia. Meanwhile, too many carbohydrates triggers insulin, which ushers both carbohydrates and fat into fat cells for long term storage. Insulin  blocks fat loss by telling muscles to eat carbohydrates (as opposed to fat).


In conclusion, you are walking a line every time you eat. To get the best results humanly possible, your carbohydrate intake should not be too high nor too low. The Core Fat Loss plan sets up the perfect metabolic scenario in which your brain happily burns carbohydrates, protein is utilized wisely (instead of being wasted), and your muscles will actively burn fat for energy. 


The Sunny Side of Carbohydrates

The sun is responsible for all carbohydrate production on planet earth. Every carbohydrate source, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, is made of condensed sunlight. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants miraculously transform sunlight into starches and sugars. Plants breath in carbon dioxide (carbo) from the air and take in water (hydrate) from the ground to form carbo-hydrates.

The colorful nature of fruits and vegetables seems to be Mother Nature’s way of telling humans that carbohydrates are the staff of life. It turns out carbohydrates are the only source of fuel for the brain and central nervous system. In fact, going without carbohydrates for just 10 seconds will result in unconsciousness and ultimately physical death. Carbohydrates should no longer be feared, but respected as the main source of life force energy.

Carbohydrates are also beneficial since they stimulate insulin, a pro-metabolism hormone that keeps protein inside your muscles, thus preventing muscle loss. Carbohydrates only become a problem when processed or eaten in excessive quantities.